#list of atoms atoms = ["Hydrogen , Helium , Lithium"] #main program choice="AtomList" while choice!="x": print("-------------------") print("A T O M F I N D E R") print("-------------------\n") print("A:Append an atom to the list") print("B:Removean atom from the list") print("C: print the list") print("D:Sort the atoms in the list") print("X:Exit he program") print("/n") choice=input("choose an option:") if choice== "A": name=input("enter the name of an atom to add:") atoms.append(name) print(name,"has been added to the list") if choice== "B": i=input("enter the name of an atom list to delete:") i=int(i) del atoms[i] print(name,"has been removed to the list") if choice=="C": print(atoms) if choice=="D": atoms.sort() if choice=="X": break